Create your Study Abroad Experience
28th Annual CCIS Conference
Creating Sustainability in Education Abroad
In these fast-changing times when we all have a mandate to do more with less and our global social and economic climate is in a state constant flux and unpredictability, how do we make our programs, operations, and missions sustainable so we can continue to promote education abroad as a means to foster global citizenship and cross-cultural engagement?
This spring, join us to explore innovative frameworks for creating sustainability in education abroad. The concept of sustainability will be examined within a broad and holistic context encompassing academic, programmatic, socio-economic, organizational and individual dimensions.
Major conference themes to be explored include sustaining education abroad in a changing global environment; creating fiscal sustainability for education abroad; incorporating environmental and social sustainability into education abroad programming; and maintaining institutional, personal and professional sustainability.
Join us for a truly unique CCIS retreat-style conference which will allow attendees to enjoy informal fireside chats, one-on-one networking and stimulating conversations about relevant topics in the field of international education. Other exciting conference activities include the opportunity to meet individually with international host institutions to learn about various CCIS education abroad programs, organized activities such as morning yoga sessions, and personal and professional growth workshops.
Site Visit Dates:
February 26 - 27, 2018
Site Visit Location:
Professional Development Grant
Eligible for First-Time Conference Attendees
CCIS is pleased to introduce our Professional Development Grant for Five (5) first-time conference attendees from U.S colleges and universities. Funded by CCIS Program Sponsors, the grants were established to facilitate engagement and dialogue within our international education community and allow education abroad professionals and faculty to learn about the CCIS consortium model and its education abroad programs.
The Professional Development Grant application is now open. Deadline for submitting the grant application is September 15, 2017.
Guidelines and Selection Criteria
Submit Application
Optional Pre-Conference Site Visits
Universidad Veritas and Conversa
Conference participants have the optional benefit of adding two educational pre-conference site visits and an eco-excursion to their overall conference schedule. Optional pre-conference site visits will take place on both Monday, February 26 and Tuesday, February 27 and will include stops at two local host institutions, Universidad Veritas and Conversa. In addition, an eco-excursion is included to get a taste of the real Costa Rica. Don't miss out on this opportunity to add an educational and cultural perspective to your conference attendance! Select Conference + Site Visits at registration.
Site Visit Information | Site Visits Now Closed